Every morning I sit at my kitchen table with my Bible and my journal.
This blog is a result of those times of reflection and conversation with God.

Books That I Love


  • Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (This book is in my top ten influential books of my life--it is a collection of his radio programs detailing his arguments against naturalism which believes that there is nothing real outside what we can experience with our five senses).  Basically any book by C.S. Lewis is amazing.
  • Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias (In this book, Zacharias outlines the claims of Jesus in comparison to other religions.  Excellent book!)

  • Operation World (This book breaks down all the countries of the world and how to specifically pray for them.  If you don't want to purchase the book, feel free to check out their website for the same information: www.operationworld.org)

1 comment:

  1. Amy Carmichael: The Jesus Walking woman was THE most influential book I read as a little girl. It definitely shaped my young faith. And Mere Christianity is my favorite favorite non-fiction book bar none. I love seeing the why of how we are so similar in our faith!
