Every morning I sit at my kitchen table with my Bible and my journal.
This blog is a result of those times of reflection and conversation with God.
Monday, December 21, 2015
The Anticipation of Christmas
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Why I'm Not Afraid of ISIS
Recently, as I scrolled through social media, I saw a post where ISIS has revealed a list of cities they will target. The person who posted this was shocked by the seemingly remote and insignificant cites that were mentioned on this city. I don’t know if this list is true—it could be ISIS propaganda or even a sick joke. However, I want to boldly say that I am not afraid of ISIS.
Why am I choosing to not be afraid?
It’s not because I think I am strong enough to fight them off. I’m not.
It’s not because I’m in denial about the real tragedies of life and don’t think this could possibly touch me. Tragedy is no respecter of persons.
It’s not because I’m so confident God will stop them from getting me or my family. He’s made no such promise.
I am not afraid because I have hope in what comes after this life.
All this life can truly promise is a cycle of suffering and redemption. As privileged Americans, we sometimes think that we can live in perpetual safety and happiness. That’s not the true nature of this fallen world. We can insulate ourselves, but this insulation is not real protection. The only true protection is a confidence in a redemption so big, we can only see a corner of it.
My hopes are wrapped up in the following statements:
1) We are more than bodies. If you subscribe to the secular worldview that says that you are only a physical creature then, yes, you should be afraid. This is all you’ve got, apparently. If, however, you are a believer in the God of the Bible, we have promises that ensure that this is only the beginning. In terms of my beloved punctuation, death is a comma, not a period.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV)
“For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day." John 6:40 (NIV)
2) True justice is on its way. I think we have a great justice system here in America. Having served on a jury, I was impressed by how each juror took seriously the implications of our judgment. We were overwhelmed by the responsibility we had in removing the freedom of the defendant. Even still, we all knew there was a weakness. We didn’t have all the information. We could only make a judgment based on the information presented to us. It is not so with God. All men will stand before Him, and He will judge with true justice because He has all the information, even the intents of the heart. This gives me confidence because that means that, while we should never stop looking for justice here on Earth, no one is getting away with anything in the long run (including myself). This hope in true justice reminds me that all evil will be punished. The evil that ISIS is doing now will be dealt with.
“There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy.” James 4:12a (NIV)
3) We have the word of hope. Ours is truly the only message worth dying for. We, as Christians, follow a long legacy of people willing to die for their enemies—to give rather than take. We have something precious to give this world.
“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 20:24 (NIV)
I say all this to remind my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, to not be afraid, but to be ready. Be ready to share the Gospel, to live out the hope that you have, to stare evil in the face and offer it Christ. In this way, we will demonstrate that we are true disciples.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A Flourishing Faith
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Thirsting for More
"O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where where is no water. So I have looked for You in in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory." Psalm 63:1-2
This verse introduces a common experience for mankind. We all feel this desire or longing for something more. In the darkness of the night, our soul cries out for a reality that can quench the deepest longings of our heart. We long to be known. To have purpose. Many in light of that the insatiable desire have turned to God to meet that need. As the psalmist, we have gone to His sanctuary to see His power and His glory. C.S. Lewis describes his own longing in his autobiography Surprised by Joy.
“The first is itself the memory of a memory. As I stood beside a flowering currant bush on a summer day there suddenly arose in me without warning, and as if from a depth not of years but of centuries, the memory of that earlier morning at the Old House when my brother had brought his toy garden into the nursery. It is difficult to find words strong enough for the sensation which came over me; Milton's 'enormous bliss' of Eden (giving the full, ancient meaning to 'enormous') comes somewhere near it. It was a sensation, of course, of desire; but desire for what?...Before I knew what I desired, the desire itself was gone, the whole glimpse... withdrawn, the world turned commonplace again, or only stirred by a longing for the longing that had just ceased... In a sense the central story of my life is about nothing else... The quality common to the three experiences... is that of an unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction. I call it Joy, which is here a technical term and must be sharply distinguished both from Happiness and Pleasure. Joy (in my sense) has indeed one characteristic, and one only, in common with them; the fact that anyone who has experienced it will want it again... I doubt whether anyone who has tasted it would ever, if both were in his power, exchange it for all the pleasures in the world. But then Joy is never in our power and Pleasure often is.”
He saw in those moments a hint of something far greater than just instant gratification. It was a whiff of a heavenly scent. A desire for something bigger and grander than himself. It was what the Bible calls the hope of eternity set in each person's heart (Ecclesiastes 3:11). I think many of us can relate to those moments in life--perhaps it was a beautiful scene in nature that took your breath away, a book that was written with almost perfect clarity and brilliant expression, or a moment with a loved one that warmed you. Those moments are brief, but always memorable.
I believe these moments help prepare us for truth. They lift up the eyes that are firmly fixed on earthly soil and help us look up to the heavens in wonder. Where before we were distracted with the daily details of living, those divine moments make us stop and think of what's really important.
Unfortunately, for many, that is the end of the experience. That one moment gets our attention, but, because of its brevity, it cannot sustain it. Soon enough, we are immersed in the basics of everyday life again. We remember that wonderful, intense moment, but it soon becomes a fond memory and nothing else.
That's because that moment was an invitation--the beginning and not the end. The goal isn't to recreate that moment, but to find the why behind the moment. For those who make that connection, that moment doesn't need to end. It can be the entrance to a whole new life.
Many of us don't know how to go from the desire to the fulfillment of that desire. That's something that isn't easily explained. Many much wiser than I am have written books upon books on the subject. I do think, however, that it can be very simple. Ask.
If you want more of God--ask Him. Matthew 7: 8 says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." The promise is offered repeatedly throughout scripture for those who will demonstrate the persistence to keep on asking. In Matthew Henry's commentary on this passage, he states, " Prayer is the appointed means for obtaining what we need. Pray; pray often; make a business of prayer, and be serious and earnest in it. Ask, as a beggar asks alms. Ask, as a traveller asks the way. Seek, as for a thing of value that we have lost; or as the merchantman that seeks goodly pearls. Knock, as he that desires to enter into the house knocks at the door."
Don't be satisfied with the momentary glimpses. Keep asking for more of Him that you might truly live!
But after asking there yet remains another step--believe He will answer you. Hebrews 11:6 states, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." This is where the important step of faith comes in (please note that the faith step is more to do with God's character than His existence). We must believe that He wants to and can answer our prayer. When we believe this, we realize that the weight of action has actually moved from us to Him. We wait in hopeful anticipation. He does everything else.
So if we ask Him to reveal Himself to us, and we believe He will reveal Himself, we also need to open our eyes to see when He does reveal Himself. In many books I've read, including Eldridge's Sacred Romance, it is believed that God is revealing Himself daily. In fact He is actively romancing us--through things of beauty, through meaningful connections, through dappled rays of light. He romances us with love. Are we watching? Are we responding? We don't have to wait for those big, life-changing moments to experience His presence. We can walk every day with eyes open to see Him actively at work around us.
Lord, you know how easily we are distracted by the world around us. There's always something to do, and when we are finally done we fall exhausted on our beds. And then we wonder "Is this all there is?" I pray Lord that we will first yearn for something more. Awaken in us a desire to desire--and not just petty, small desires for immediate fulfillment. Put in us a hope for eternity,a desire for the true reality of the world, and don't let us be satisfied with anything less. And then we ask, God, that you would show us Your Heart. Let us fall in love with you. Let us wait with breathless anticipation to see how You will show up today. We cannot do this on our own. We need you, and we believe you want us know You. Give us eyes to see and hears to hear You!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Law vs Freedom
Sunday, November 22, 2015
The Irrationality of the Mob
In a famous scene from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Antony has stirred the crowd up to a frenzy against the conspirators who assassinated Caesar. In their rampage, the crowd (or mob at this point) comes across Cinna the Poet who unfortunately shares the name of one of the conspirators. Read the following scene:
Third Citizen Your name, sir, truly.
CINNA THE POET Truly, my name is Cinna.
First Citizen Tear him to pieces; he's a conspirator.
CINNA THE POET I am Cinna the poet, I am Cinna the poet. 29
Fourth Citizen Tear him for his bad verses, tear him for his bad verses.
CINNA THE POET I am not Cinna the conspirator.
Fourth Citizen It is no matter, his name's Cinna; pluck but his
name out of his heart, and turn him going. 34
Third Citizen Tear him, tear him! Come, brands ho! fire-brands:
to Brutus', to Cassius'; burn all: some to Decius'
house, and some to Casca's; some to Ligarius': away, go! (lines 26-37)
The chilling lines from the fourth citizen captures the evil of the mob mentality. When they realize that Cinna is not in fact Cinna the conspirator, the citizen calmly says, "It is no matter, his name is Cinna." In this scene, truth is irrelevant, only the satisfaction of the emotionalism of the mob. They want revenge, and anyone will do. We see a similar scene played out in the pages of Scripture as Paul shared the Gospel.
- They got offended
- They sought to shut him up at all costs
- They often involved large groups of people (many who didn’t even know what the real issue was) to create a big scene
- They received the word with eagerness
- They examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so
- They believed based on the evidence presented them
Friday, November 20, 2015
Be Courageous
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Being Zealous
I remember when I first became a Christian I would read the Old Testament and be a little shocked. It was so violent. There are stories of those punished with their lives for disobeying the law such as Achin who was stoned to death in the Valley of Achor (Joshua 7: 24 and 26) for stealing some of the plunder and hiding it.
Many Christians look to these stories as a model for how we should handle sinful behavior. However, this is only partially true. The Old Testament is indeed an example for us and a concrete story from which we learn. The problem is we are learning the wrong story. We are not looking at a picture of how the church should interact with one another and with unbelievers in regards to behavior. We are instead seeing an external reaction to the horror of sin. The reason the Jews acted physically to sin is because they were demonstrating the absolute purity of God to a world who had no clue what purity was. Because God’s holiness was displayed to the world in the visible image of the tabernacle and temple and the nation of Israel, they guarded this with intense zeal.
For us, the situation has changed—what was previously exhibited externally in the form of a nation and temple, we now demonstrate internally. In other words, we don’t (or shouldn’t) have an outside temple or location or even country to represent God. Why? Because we are the temple. We, individually and corporately as the body of Christ, are now charged with the responsibility of making visible the invisible image of the Father.
What does this look like now? We as the protectors of God’s image still passionately seek out and punish sin. Yet the sin we are looking to punish is not outside of us—it is not in our world, and really not even in our church (though there is certainly times for discipline)—our main focus MUST be our own sin. Because we are now the temple of God, because He resides in us personally, because we are His and the world is looking, we have to seek out in our own selves those ideas and actions that contradict Scripture with the same ruthlessness that the Jewish people exhibited towards sin in the camp.
Jesus has set the example for us because He is the first to be the image of the invisible (Colossians 1:15-18). He is our model always. He also outlines clearly the importance of this pursuit in the Sermon of the Mount. Consistently in the gospel, Jesus sets forth the common understanding of a law, and then raises the bar. You have heard it said that adultery is sin….I tell you that even looking at a woman with lust is sin (Matthew 5:27, paraphrase mine). He even goes on to say that if you right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out (Matthew 5:29, paraphrase mine)!
Why so strict? Because what is at stake is everyone. The whole world. Every precious soul. Because if the world looks at you as the image of God and you are hateful, exclusive, and angry then they will reject the God you are displaying. Because if you are sneaky, deceptive and a liar then they will reject the God you are displaying. Because if you are selfish, manipulative, and self-serving then they will reject the God you are displaying.
No pressure, folks.
Before you feel scared about the pressure that is on us, remember what God has done. He has put His very self in you. The Holy Spirit resides in you leading you (John 16:13), teaching you (John 14:26), and empowering you (Romans 8:11). You cannot do this alone, but you must do it. I must do it. The stakes are too high.
That’s why we need Him. We need Him every hour. Seriously, we need Him every second. Let us live every moment in dependence on Him because the whole world depends upon it.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
The Pain of Beauty
Monday, October 12, 2015
Whose House Is It?
In our house, we have determined certain rules that must be followed. We don't allow food upstairs, etc. These rules are in place for various reasons which sometimes we explain and sometimes we don't. You see, this house is ours and, because of that, we determine what happens in it (within reason, of course). Recently, I told some of my students about an experience where one of the people who lived with us repeatedly broke our house rules and even lied to us about it. Finally, it reached a point where they could no longer live with us. This was a difficult decision, but it ultimately came down to the point that this person would not respect our authority in our own home.
When I told my students the specifics of the story, they were outraged with me at the lack of respect. Of course, my husband and I could could make rules about what happens in our home and expect our guests to follow them. But then I brought up the bigger question--whose house do we live in? Ultimately, we live in God's house. This is His world and He created it. He has the right and authority to decide the rules. He also has the right and authority to bring judgment when those rules are broken.
The breakdown of the word authority reminds us what is truly at stake here. The suffix -ity means "quality of conforming to." Author literally means originator or creator. Put together authority means conforming to the author/originator/creator. Because He is the Creator, the Originator of all Life, and the Author of this story, He has all authority to lay down the rules. This is a common understanding.
Jesus told a parable illustrating this very point:
The Parable of the Tenants
"'Hear another parable. There was a master of a house who planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a winepress in it and built a tower and leased it to tenants, and went into another country. When the season for fruit drew near, he sent his servants[a] to the tenants to get his fruit. And the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. Again he sent other servants, more than the first. And they did the same to them. Finally he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.’ And they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” They said to him, “He will put those wretches to a miserable death and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.'"
Matthew 21:33-41English Standard Version (ESV)
His audience could easily see how this story should end. The owner had all right to return and be angry. I'm reminded of a similar theme in the epic, The Odyssey. While the great hero Odysseus struggles to return home from the Trojan war, suitors have camped out at his house pressuring his wife to remarry even though she is not interested. Things escalate as they drain the resources of his home and plot to murder his only son. Finally, at the end, Odysseus returns in disguise. He sees what what is happening at home, is abused by the suitors, and then finally he reveals his true identity and kicks some butt. As we read, we cheer Odysseus on, ready for the suitors to receive the punishment for their evil behavior.
However, we must ask ourselves if we have more in common with the wicked tenants or suitors than we would like to admit. God has made it clear in His Word what His standards and expectations are. Do we respect His authority to make these demands? Or do we try to explain away those expectations that are most uncomfortable to us?
Recently, I've been reading a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life. He was a German theologian who spoke against Hitler during the Nazi regime. Eventually, he was a part of the group who attempted to assassinate Hitler and was executed as a result (the movie Valkyrie was based on this though they do not mention his name). To the Christian community, he is well-known for his powerful book called The Cost of Discipleship (if you have not read it, you are missing out!). He was only in his twenties when Hitler came into power, and from the beginning he was wary of this new leader. It wasn't long after that the Nazi movement began to target the church:
"Popular culture has ignored the persecution of German Christians during the Nazi period, leaving many to assume that National Socialism was enthusiastically embraced by all German churches. The real story is more complex. Some religious leaders clung to the hope that, by extending a hand in friendship, their churches would be spared. Others felt that short-term survival was more important than protest.
Some attempted to merge Nazi philosophy with Christian teaching. This last group was known as the German Christian Movement.
The German Christian Movement was founded in 1932. Nominally Protestant, it endorsed 'positive Christianity.' Positive Christianity insisted that all Jewish influences should be removed from the Christian faith. It discarded the Old Testament and portrayed Jesus as a tragic, Aryan figure." ("Deafening Silence").
One of the first moves of this German Christian movement and Nazi government was the Aryan paragraph which forbid any person of Jewish descent to serve in the church (or in any government post). While Bonhoeffer was ready to speak out against this, many in the church weren't willing to cause trouble over a seemingly small infraction. They could not or would not see where this would lead. On this side of history, we know the cost of this compromise. The good news was that the Confessing church (led by courageous men ) emerged as a voice declaring the authority of God's Word and the German Christian movement failed--the Nazi movement revealed itself as decidedly anti-Christian and the veil was lifted.
Almost a hundred years later, the church is again under pressure to bow before the authority of man instead of God. Presently, we see this in the matter of sexual orientation. Our culture is demanding that the church accept the homosexual lifestyle even though the Bible is clear that this is not a part of God's original plan for humankind. You don't have to look far in the news to read of churches and church organizations who are changing their policies to accept all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. They are praised as true examples of God's love while conservatives are condemned as being homophobic and judgmental. While it may seem a small issue, the effect of choosing man's authority over God's authority will be far reaching.
We must look to the past to understand the future. Time and time again it is recorded in biblical and extra-biblical texts the ongoing battle between God's rule and man's rule. We should not be surprised that it is now our turn to stand firm. Ben Carson recently spoke saying that this present generation must be courageous, and he is right. We can be encouraged by the faith and bravery of the many, many who have gone before us who boldly proclaimed "We must obey God not man!" (Acts 5:29).
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Choose This Day!
Lately the news has been a bit depressing. I make a point to read about what is going on in the world because to me it's like pressing my finger on the pulse of our world. It helps me to understand what people are thinking, what are the battles being faced so that I know how to pray more effectively and, sometimes, to write a blog. I haven't written on this site for a while. This summer has been pretty busy, but mostly I've found that I've started to write something, but then felt it just wasn't right. It wasn't the right timing or it wasn't the right message. Something was off.
Then this morning, as I started to get ready for church, I read through some blogs and some news posts and things came to a head for me. Mainly what I saw in the news are stories about fallen cops, a transgender boy who is arguing to use the same locker room as the girls, the anger of many over the Iranian nuclear deal, horrific descriptions of abortions, the after effects of the Ashley Madison scandal, and the devastating situation for the Syrian refugees (the image of the drowned child on the beach will haunt me forever). Mainly what I noticed were the comments. The typical Facebook arguments over these issues reach far and wide. Behind these comments are intense emotions, and it seems that all this discussion doesn't resolve but embitters and divides.
The reason we can't agree on Facebook, or in real, daily life, comes down to a basic idea. We are coming from completely different worldviews. But even simpler than this is that fundamentally we don't agree on who or what gets to define things. Therefore, sometimes (though not always) these virtual arguments are useless because we aren't starting from the same perspective. We are arguing the peripherals while the foundational aspects of our discussion are never touched.
It's basically this question: Who or what as the authority to define reality (and by this define what's right or wrong)?
Many people on Facebook would argue that what's right or wrong depends on what you feel. Follow your heart.
To those who are transgender, they might say: Go with what you feel. No one can tell you different.
To those who hate cops, they might say: Your feelings are justified. Feel free to act out on them.
To those who want to have an affair or express your sexuality in a different way, they might say: Have fun! There's no point in restraining yourself.
However, Christians have a completely different starting point. We start by saying that God alone has the right to define reality. He who created us has the right to say what purpose we serve and what determines right from wrong. As Christians, we go to the Bible to help us create a framework by which we interpret the events, the feelings, the actions of this world and ourselves.
To those who are transgender, we might say: I understand you are confused. This must be so challenging and difficult. You were created for a reason, and you have a purpose. If you want to know what that is, let me introduce you to my Savior.
To those who hate cops, we might say: I am sorry for your suffering, but hatred is never the answer. There is a true judge who will bring to light all that has happened, but He will also judge our actions. If you know that your own heart could not stand under the scrutiny of perfect judgment, let me introduce you to my Savior.
To those who want to have an affair or express your sexuality in a different way, we might say: Giving in to whatever your body demands will not bring freedom, but slavery. Addiction to anything, including sex, will destroy you. God created sex for His creation. He meant it as a gift. A means by which we connect lovingly to another human being. In its proper context, it brings life, not death. If you feel you cannot control this and that it is bigger than your ability to resist it, let me introduce you to my Savior.
Christians--our message should be different from the rest of the world. Is your message different? Because when we get to the heart of the matter, if you are speaking the same message as the world, then that's the one you serve.
As Joshua said to the people of Israel so many years ago, "Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness.Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”Joshua 24:14-15
We need to make a decision to serve either God or the ways of this world. And we need to make sure that we make a point to not argue the points but to get to the heart of the matter.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
It's Complicated
When we understand our mission, it becomes easier to make our choices because we want the consequences of our choices to line up with our vision for our lives.
The early church nailed this mindset. They knew they had one purpose---Christ made this clear before his ascension in Acts 1:8. Their job was primarily to share the Gospel and make disciples. This single-mindedness inspired many to give specifically and to reach out to those around them. This single-mindedness also strengthened them when the winds of persecution blew up on them. They didn't give up their faith, they didn't grow quiet because they knew that what they were doing was important.